Research Interests
My main research interests focus on knowledge compilation, databases theory, graph theory and complexity theory. I am interested in using knowledge compilation to unify and re-explain existing tractability results and discover how hard problems, such as counting problems or enumeration, can be solved on structured instances. For example, my thesis has focused on using knowledge compilation to transform structured CNF formulas into data structures allowing for model counting, hence recovering in a unifying framework every existing algorithm for solving the #SAT problem.
Since September 2023, I hold a Junior Professor Chair (Chaire de professeur junior) at the University of Artois, working at the CRIL laboratory. Before that, I was an assistant professor (Maître de Conférences) at University of Lille in the LINKS team and have been a postdoctoral fellow at Birkbeck College, working with Igor Razgon. I prepared and defended my PhD thesis Structural restrictions of CNF-formulas: applications to model counting and knowledge compilation under the supervision of Arnaud Durand at Paris Diderot University, which is now part of Université Paris-Cité.
Research Projects
- I am the project investigator of the ANR JCJC project KCODA.
- My junior professor chair comes with a grant that I dedicate to the TruKC project on certifying knowledge compilers and related tools. More details coming soon.
Interested in working with me on these projects? Send me an email!
I am lucky to serve or to have served as a PhD advisor of:
- Nicolas Crosetti (2018 - 2023), now research engineer at Groupe SII
- Oliver Irwin (2022 - now)
Here is a (most probably outdated) list of my publications. DBLP often does a better job than myself at keeping track of my publication record! I try to add a free and long version of every paper listed below on arXiv. If something is missing, do not hesitate to contact me and ask! You may find some paper on arXiv that I have not added in the list. The reason is often that it corresponds to an old version of some better paper.
You can find material on the recent talks I gave or will be given (show older talks).
- A list of some lectures notes and exercise session I prepared can be found here (in French).
- In December 2017, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Pierre Marquis and I gave a 24h research school entitled An Overview of Knowledge Compilation at ENS Lyon.
- If you are a student at Université d’Artois, you can find teaching material on Moodle.